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Anathea – a poem by Rogue
October 20th 2022
Dear friends, fans, & supporters,
We are in the heart of autumn with Halloween less than two weeks away. I thought I would do something a little different this year in order to contribute to the spirit of one of my favorite holidays. I love the fall as it transitions into early winter, from October through the end of December, this is my favorite time of year— Halloween and Christmas.
Anyway— I wrote a little poem (with some obvious inspirations taken from Poe and Kipling) called Anathea, and I recorded a spoken word performance to give it just the right focus. The cover is a collaboration between myself and artist Dominique Kennedy (who has been contributing artistically to The Crüxshadows cause for a few years now— check out some of her art here: )
The poem tells the story of Anathea, a beautiful young woman who spends her days and nights among the stones of an ancient monolith, on a rocky cliff overlooking the ocean. It’s a tragic story of love & loss, and the ghostly results that follow… typical Halloween fare, with my own little flair for the dramatic. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I enjoyed making it. I think I’d like to do more of this sort of thing… So if you think spoken word poetry is a worthwhile endeavour, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
As in the past, with my holiday or donation-ware music, there is no fee to download the audio file… or in this case the poem (or even the cover art). I may (or may not) take them off the website at any point after Halloween, so try not to put it off too long if its something you’d like to add to your collection. Donations are always welcome and very much appreciated, as I support myself and my daughter through my art and music. Thank you all for your patronage, and for bringing my creations and artistic vision into your own sphere of experience; my little monsters are “alive!” because of you.
Now that all of that has been said, I present to you… Anathea. I hope you like it. Live Love Be Believe.
Rogue of The CrüxShadows

Anathea – a poem by Rogue download links
Anathea artwork
Anathea PDF

All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly)
July 4th 2022
Dear friends, fans, & supporters,
As many of you know, July 4th is Independence Day, but it is also my birthday. In honor of this milestone I’m stumbling over, I am releasing a new single I’ve been working on this year. It’s called All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly). I’ve decided to initially offer it as a donation based/ free to download track, although it will likely be available through normal music channels (streaming, iTunes etc) in the weeks and months ahead.
I know that the pandemic has been difficult for many of you, and it has been for me and The CrüxShadows as well. There are many obstacles to overcome to get back to where we were pre-pandemic. If you like the track, please consider making a donation. It really helps.
The song is about introspection, overcoming past hurt, and freeing yourself to be who you need to be, outside of the expectation of others. It’s a song about independence… and it seems like now is a fitting time to release it. The conversation in question could be between two ex-lovers, or simply be the back and forth that occurs when we look in the mirror at who and what we have become. My vision of what the song means and yours might be a bit different, but then again everyone is different… and we tend to see things as it applies to our own experiences. Still, it is my profound hope that this song will fit into your life and become as meaningful to you as it is to me. At the end of the day, that’s all any artist can hope for; that their creations somehow add value to the lives of their audience.
Please feel free to download the track free of charge. But if you are able and inclined to donate please do so. It is very much appreciated. I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t important. Otherwise, please let others know about the song. The best promotion is still word of mouth, even if it takes on a digital form.
I hope to put other crowd sourcing mechanisms in place later this year. I know together we can keep CrüxShadows relevant and strong. As always, I owe so much to all of you, and I am thankful for every part of my journey thus far. My sincerest thank you to each and every one of you. Live•Love•Be•Believe
Rogue of The CrüxShadows

All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) download links
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly).mp3
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly).wav
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) 24bit.wav
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) aac.m4a
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) lossless.m4a
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) lyrics
All the White Horses (Into the Mirror Darkly) cover art